NEW! Mobile Acupuncture - We will come to you!

Katlyn O’Reilly, R.Ac is now offering her acupuncture services in the comfort of your own home. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain, digestive problems, mental/emotional difficulties, insomnia and hormonal issues. Shift Wellness is pleased to bring this healing treatment to you!

Katlyn utilizes Chinese medical diagnostic techniques with tui na massage, myofascial release, gua sha and cupping within her treatments. She has a special interest in working with digestion, gynaecology, anxiety disorders and climbing related injuries. With an understanding that not every person holds stress, tension or trauma in the same way, she is able to create unique treatments to cater to an individuals specific and changing needs.

Initial Acupuncture Treatment - $160

Subsequent Treatment - $150

-Direct billing available



New! Community Acupuncture changes as of July 4, 2022


Naturopathic Medicine for IBS